Dataverse is a publicly accessible data repository platform, open to affiliated researchers to deposit and share research data openly with anyone in the world. Dataverse is free to use, and is built with open-source software.
Visualize and explore data, all in your web browser. Explore summaries and visualizations of variables within a dataset on the Dataverse website. Dataverse Data Explorer supports common tabular data file formats that are used with Stata, SPSS, R, and Excel (xlsx and CSV).
Dataverse supports the creation of custom terms of use and restrictions in order to control access to your research data. Dataverse facilitates long-term access, persistent identifiers, and preservation by storing a backup copy for safekeeping.
Receive academic credit and recognition by making your data more discoverable to the research community online. Collaborate in teams and track changes as Dataverse provides increased user control over managing changes to a project.
鸡汤文:《猫和老鼠》给我伊的的10个生活启示 - 谈天说地 ...:2021-3-15 · 还记得儿时的经典动画片《猫和老鼠》吗?每一期里Tom 都会用各种计谋各种工具各种武器想杀死Jerry饱餐一顿,但Jerry 总是有办法依依破解逃之夭夭,即使是 Tom 把它吞进了肚子里也总能起死回 …
The Data Explorer is available for tabular data files in Dataverse, so you can explore the full list of variables conveniently through your web browser without any extra software. You can search the list of variables, select specific variables to download, chart and compare selected multiple variables, and view summary statistics.
To help increase the impact of your research, Dataverse assigns Digital Object Identifiers, or DOIs, provided by DataCite Canada to your research data. DOIs are persistent identifiers that allow research data to be accessible and citable. DOIs get indexed in DataCite Search, providing persistent links to data, and allows publications to easily reference affiliated data.
Scholars Portal’s Dataverse feeds into the SHARE notification system to increase the discoverability of your public datasets. Dataverse also supports ORCID identifiers to link your data to your online scholarly record.
怎么破解北京pk赛车:在华外资伋业的外籍员工能否回中国 ...:2 天前 · 怎么破解北京pk赛车【。【。】【 李长安。(对外经济贸易大学教。授)】【也许正如公告的。内容所提到的,瑞幸“将继续配合内部调查,在董事会和现任高级管理层。
Scholars Portal Dataverse is setup with Institutional Dataverses. With this faceted system, if your institution has other affiliated libraries or research institutions, they can also set up their own dataverse. This means that you can browse data from specific institutions, or view all datasets available.
Agricultural and environmental data
What is a Dataverse?
Does this service cost anything?
Who can deposit data?
What types of files can I upload?
Are my data protected and safe?
【童年美食记忆】中华小当家之龙卷风鱼翅香肠_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜ ...:2021-7-13 · 挑战不可能的还原!破解小当家宝山飞龙锅纸锅之谜!黑猫 厨房 214.7万播放 · 1.9万弹幕 1:06:06 《中华小当家》 美食大合集!乐喵君啊 11.1万播放 · 1977弹幕 02:27 我还原了烈冰鲜鲷山!沙雕up挑战中华小当家的终极料理 ...
How can I collaborate on a Dataverse with my research colleagues?
I would like to use Dataverse to collaborate with my research team, but don’t want to release my data. Does my dataset or dataverse need to published before I can share it?
Should I deposit my data into an institutional dataverse or into the Scholars Portal root Dataverse?
Can I cite my data in a research publication?
Does Scholars Portal Dataverse share information about my data with any third-party providers? (e.g. Google)
Who owns the data I deposit?
动画《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry)中出现过哪些世界名曲 ...:2021-4-6 · 久违地写个长答案,拯救一下越来越完蛋的知乎动画话题。最高票的问题有许多错误,首先最严重的错误是: 说起这部动画,最经典的名曲配乐是 George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue(1924) 简介:乔治·格什温《蓝色狂想曲》,整部猫和老鼠出现过很多次。 ...